Wednesday, October 8, 2008

situational turrets

I love it when my mothering instincts kick in. I mean, it really is a sixth sense, a BleSSing of sorts wouldn't you tOtally agree with me? I am sURe that there is reSearch out there that backs me up on this! As protectors of our ChilDren it is OK to react to situations that may arise. Take last week for instance. I tOOk my SamMy to the city PArK to play. I have told you how 'UniQue' .....(aka gifted)...... he is. Well,........because of his 'uniqueness', he figured out how to climb out of the PLayGrounD sySTem and up onto the top of the TaLLest tube slide. That was all it took! My instincts were HOWLing. So, of course, I did the natural thing......breath.........the thing that most of us would have done.......(yep, I am sure that you would have done the same thing)........
I started screaming and crying and yelling.
I knOW!!! TOTally. You get me right?
Right there on the playground....other people staring at me, mouths open.......pause.......
as I let my 'mOthering InsTincts' take 100% control.
"Call 911!!!", "Sammy, DOn't move AT ALL!!", "HELP!!", "This is jUSt not OKay.
Who invented this slide ANYhow?!!", "Don't worry Sammy, I'm coming!"
I am sure the looks of AWE that I got from the spectATors was simply an Xpression of amazement. AmAzed that I was able to so easily let my instincts take over.
My BFF has another view on the whole thing. She witnessed the enTIRe ordeal and thinks that I may suffer from situational turrets. MMM TOTally agrees with her!!! APPARently this isn't the first time my 'instincts' have taken over.

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