Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm having a PARTY!!! Party time! I love that my neighborhood is so close To each other. It is TOTally AWesome how I get invited to sooooooooooooo MANY, eveNTs. It makes me feel soooo LOVEd when I get invited to someone else's party with NO StriNGs attached whatsoever. I want to give back to my community so I am hosting a PArTY. A fun time together where we can grow CLoSEr, have fun as friends, talk and open up, LAuGH, lauGH, LauGh. Please feel free to bring a friend (if you do, You get a PRIZE.....great party HUH?) and if you spend $25 or more you get a second prize..................did I mention, that this is a TUPPERwarE party? (Is there anything better than THAT?) LUV ya and see ya in the PArty ZOne!!

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