Thursday, September 18, 2008

bless their hearts

Do you remember Y2K? Yeah, me too. Banks down, life stopping midnight panic, no food....NoT. Well I have this totally FAb neighbor who is into all things natural and Wunderful. Did you know????? That the pioneers - bless their hearts - used to get a case of DIE arrhea while walking those plains. What did they do you ask? Well after praying of course, they would take SunFlowers and use them to make a apecial anti-DIE arrhea tea and VoILa!! Problem solved. Why bring up Y2K you ask? Simply because if there ever is a food shOrtage - do you have your year supply -and I hAve to consume whatever is available, no medications for ailments...I for one wIll NOT be suffering from DIE arrhea.

BTW does anyone know what vitamin is abundant in pine needles? (hence the DIE arrhea talked about earlier)

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